Some how all the links in our blog candy post disappeared. We feel horrible about it because there were nearly 250 of you who used Mr. Linky for a chance to win. We are trying to see if we can pull the links back up but if not we need to pick the blog candy winner a different way. We are open to suggestions, but ultimately we will be the ones to decide the fairest way to pick a winner. We will post again tomorrow letting you know what we decide to do, sorry for the inconvenience.

OK, I wish all was repaired soon ))))
Oh, that is really unpleasent!
I wish it will be repaired soon.
thanks for letting us know!
Hi Juanita
Thanks for letting us know hun - I'm sure all will work out well in the end!
Have a lovely day.
Debs xx
oh crikey I wouldn't have a clue what to do - what a disaster!!
Maybe all those who went on Mr Linky have also added you to their following - not sure I haven't looked but it was just a thought.
Good luck and I do hope you can sort it. In the end it's the new fun challenge that really matters anyway.
Ann xxx
Hello, I am sorry to hear about Mr Linky. I hope you get him back. If you can't get him back maybe picking a followers candy would be an idea.
Clare x
Hi there,
Cor blimey mate - what a disaster. Hope you get it sorted.
Maybe a post to say you will do a followers candy (as Clare suggested)for those you have posted about your site/start date and have posted the banner on their site. I am sure whatever you decide will be fair to all.
Good luck
Dawn xx
Well things happen and life goes on. You could post this happened and perform another round.
Looking to see what comes.
Oh no :(
I hope you find a way to get it back or something!! x
Oh my isnt it just awful when something disappears into cyber space..fingers crossed you will get it sorted or find away to pick a winner
Ah no Mr Linky is horrid!
Maybe you could pick from your followers list?
Anyway good luck sorting his = mr linky is naughty
love tasha xx
This happened to me before on the Simon Says Challenge and all the entrants disappeared,,, I was in a mad panic !! The links are all there tho ,, you just have to go to widget and get the same code for the post :-) It will be ok :-)
Lols x x x
oh what a pain for you, hope you manage to sort it, oh maybe lorraines help might work do hope so, all the best, sue.x
What a bummer :(
Good luck!
Oh technology can be such a blessing and a CURSE can't it?! Good luck in getting it back!
LOL sounds a little frustrating!!! but technology tends to do we all shouldn't be too surprised. hope the rest of your day goes smoothly...and good luck! :)
divinity xxx
Thank goodness! I'm so glad it wasn't just me . . . you see, I looked everywhere for Mr. Linky and couldn't find him anywhere! I thought it was just me!
Open a new post and add a day or two and let everyone have a chance to link up??? Other than that I've got nothing.
That is so sad :( Maybe you can take all your followers, and assign a number to them, then draw a winner from that.
owww thats a same
but you will find a way to make it happen;)
greetz and hugs coby
Oh, crikey, how annoying when you've got lots of other stuff to think about.
I hope you find your widget and get it sorted painlessly
Oh no thats all you need with all the work that goes into starting up a new challenge blog.I do hope you get things sorted.
Thanx for letting us know.
Trish (-:
Computers. Great when they work, awful when they don't...a bit like men really!!!!!
Seriously, sorry you have had this problem and I hope it works out okay
Love sarah XXX
Naughty Mr Linky - Hope you find him again!!!
If not maybe you could pick a winner from you Followers List?
Good Luck!!!
That is too bad. Maybe you could choose from the followers, or post again, and let it go another week or so.
Oh...terrible! What a fuss for you two days before the Candy closing! Hope you can fix it!
I agree....what a pain for you all. I know you are glad to be back to normal and whatever you decide on the winner will be more than fair to everyone concerned. Hope things work well from here on out for you!
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