Friday, December 24, 2010

More Snowy Inspiration from Our Fussy and Fancy DT!

Good morning and happy Friday, Fussy and Fancy Followers! Thank you for joining us today! We are halfway through our challenge, which is to show us some

on your projects. Our sponsor is Stitchy Stamps this time! Stitchy is offering our winner 5 digi stamps of their choice!

We hope you can join us--you have until Thursday, December 30th.

Be sure to join us for our next challenge that starts on December 31st. It is our First Birthday Celebration! Juanita, our DT Coordinator, has line up an astonishing array of sponsors for this challenge, so you'll want to come back next Friday to get all the details on how to win!

Take a look at our Week Two Design Team's creations for some inpiration. If you like their creations, please visit their blogs and let them know!

So, hop on over to our current challenge and enter and Merry Christmas to you, if you celebrate. If not, have a wonderful snowy (if even just in your craft room) weekend!


We really appreciate all of your comments and read each and every one of them!

xx Happy crafting and glittery hugs xx

The Fussy and Fancy Girls