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Friday, October 23, 2015

Featured Guest Designer for Challenge #150-"Colour Choice-Orange, Black or Purple"

Hello once again!
 The Fussy and Fancy girls
are back to introduce
our very talented
Guest Designer
Here's a little bit about Wilma...
Hello Lady’s
Sheryl asked me, if I want to write a little about myself. I find it very difficult because my English is not that good. Excuse me for it please.

My name is Wilma. I was born and living in the Netherlands. I’am married for 38 year with my biggest fan and husband Leo. We have 2 children, a son and a daughter who are both also married. We have 2 grandson’s. One is 3 and the other is 7 years old. I was allready creative when I was 4 years old. I love to be creative every day. If i have some spare time, then I will make scrapcards in different style’s, I like to draw, coloring stamps, do stitching, etc.

I was chosen to be a guest designer for this week, and this is an honor for me. I made this card as a reminder, and cold It “Hocus Pocus”. The most color I have used is purple, and the image is Bestie as a which.

Come have a look also on my blog,
Hugs and kisses Wilma

And here is the wonderful
  card that Wilma has created for our
Colour Choice-Orange, Black or Purple

Oh my goodness Wilma...
your colouring is absolutely GORGEOUS!!
Such a beautiful design...
so wonderfully embellished!
 Thank you Wilma for joining us as our Featured Guest Designer at
Fussy and Fancy!!
I hope that you will take a few minutes to hop on over to Wilma's blog!!
So many beautiful creations there to inspire us all!!!!
xx Happy crafting xx


1 comment:

Karen P said...

Thanks for another fun challenge which happens to be one of my favourites too! As always awesome inspiration from your DT too Karen x