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Friday, July 8, 2016

Fussy and Fancy Featured Guest Designer 167 - FLowers and Lace/DT CALL

Hello once again!
 The Fussy and Fancy girls
are back to introduce
our very talented
Guest Designer
for our "Flowers and Lace" challenge!!

Nataša P.

Hi! My name is Nataša or Narobe hiša – Nataša P. I come from a land that's pretty small but has everything (mountains, lots of forest, clean water in rivers and sea) – it's a fairyland called Slovenia. I'm 36 years old and I have a beautiful 7 year old son, he is a light in my life and also amazing and I have an understanding husband that overlooks all the »craft mess« I create.
I have been crafting for as long as I can remember. But I started card making about 10 years ago,
and started blogging a year ago.
Crafting is like a big hug for my soul – a gentle touch that I need… to relax,
to fill my lungs with positive energy.
I love the crafting world, because I can learn something new every day and it also gets me connected to many interesting, funny and creative people all over the world.
I am very pleased to be the Featured Guest Designer at Fussy and Fancy Friday Challenge this week.

Many thanks to Sheryl and the DTs!
You can see more of my creations at

Here is the fabulous explosion box that Nataša has created!

Oh my goodness Nataša, this is such a
special treat for whoever
receives this beautiful surprise explosion box!
I love the pretty flowers, lady bugs
and the lovely lacy doily embellishments!
Your wonderful description of Slovenia makes me want to visit there!
And I'm sure that a lot of us paper crafters
share your feelings
about how very relaxing and fulfilling it is for us!
To see more of  Nataša's talented work and explosion boxes
please visit her lovely blog

  Thank you Nataša  for joining us this week as our
Featured Guest Designer here at
Fussy and Fancy!!
It's been a real pleasure!


xx Happy crafting xx


Nancy Dynes said...

Your explosion box is so lovely, Natasa! I love the cheery color palette and attention to detail. The ladybugs are adorable! Slovenia sounds like a paradise. Thank you for sharing your art!

Tone K. said...

Oh, so beautiful box you have made :)
Thanks for being a guest designer :)

LeslieT said...

Hi there - Just wondering if any other players in your challenges are able to actually collect their prizes. I won Challenge #166 back in July and emailed Sheryl on July 8th, again on July 22nd, and a third time on August 1st. No response. Very, very disappointing. :(