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Friday, August 5, 2016

Fussy and Fancy Featured Guest Designer for challenge 169 - A Walk in the Garden!

The Fussy and Fancy girls
are back to introduce our very
talented Featured Guest Designer
for our
"A Walk in the Garden" Challenge!

I am an avid crafter who loves nothing better than spending time in my craft haven creating and using all my craft goodies.  I have been crafting most of my live in one way or another.  My dad taught me how to knit and I can remember sitting next to my nan while she taught me how to knit my dolls clothes which included knickers and vests.  I had the best dressed dolly on the street.

I have also dabbled in embroidery and cross stitching as well as crocheting.  I learnt to crochet when I lived in Turkey using a fine crocheting hook and cotton which they call Dantel.  It is very big over there and a lot of the young girls make table cloths, doilies, edgings for towels, pillow cases etc for their bottom drawer.

I got into paper crafting about 19 years ago now.  I was looking for some cards to put my cross stitching in to make my Christmas cards and was dazzled by all the fabulous papers, glitters, bling etc and that was it, I was seriously hooked.

Thank you so much for having me as your featured guest designer.

Best wishes

Linda x
 Linda has created two gorgeous mixed media
projects for our
"A Walk in the Garden" Challenge

Wow!  Linda, these Unicorn Tea Cup creations are
beautiful!  I love how you
actually used a teaspoon
for the base of your waterfall! 
The effect of the
tea cup suspended in the air as the water pours out
is wonderful and very creative! 
You have created such a lovely Mother Nature
garden scene and the 
fairies and unicorns add the perfect
finishing touches! 

  Thank you Linda for joining us this week as our
Featured Guest Designer here at
Fussy and Fancy!!
It's been a real pleasure to have you join us!


Take some time and indulge yourself by
visiting Linda's Blog!!
Her creations are beautiful!

xx Happy crafting xx


Tone K. said...

wow....this is art! :)
I had to study it for a long time. Really amazing :)
Thanks a lot for being a guest designer :)

Juliz Design Post said...

Wonderful projects, these floating cups always fascinate me.
Julie x

Linda Simpson said...

Thank you for asking me to be Featured designer and so happy you loved my tea cups.
Linda xxx

NanaConnie said...

Those projects are incredible, Linda! WOW !!

LeslieT said...

Hi there - Just wondering if any other players in your challenges are able to actually collect their prizes. I won Challenge #166 back in July and emailed Sheryl on July 8th, again on July 22nd, and a third time on August 1st. No response. Very, very disappointing. :(