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Friday, February 3, 2017

Challenge #180 – Fussy and Fancy

Happy Friday
Fussy and Fancy followers!

I’d like to thank you for your patience with us as we move into 2017. We’ve had a little bit of a change here at Fussy and Fancy but we haven’t forgotten about announcing our Top 5 and Winners from our last challenge #179 Angels/Fairies or Winter and we will post these next Friday 10th February.

To start us off this year our new theme for the fortnight is….

‘Fussy and Fancy’. 

Here are the wonderful creations the
Fussy and Fancy Girls
have created to inspire you.


Pat K

Happy Crafting
from the

Fussy and Fancy Girls


KandA said...

Beautiful DT creations xx

Planetsusie said...

Hi there I've just tried to enter your challenge and the Link doesn't appear to be working. Not sure whether you were aware of this. I know that other challenges (including a DT that I'm on) are having the same problem. Hugs to you Sue Pxxx

Caroline said...
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Karen P said...

Thanks for the fabulous challenge and great inspirations from the DT too x

Karen said...

Stunning creations by the entire DT! Thank you for the sweet inspiration and beautiful challenge. :)

Hugs and blessings,