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Friday, August 26, 2016

Fussy and Fancy Challenge 171 - Lets Fly Away!

Happy Friday
Fussy and Fancy followers!

Our challenge for the next
fortnight is being hosted by our very talented..

Eileen's challenge for the next fortnight is
"Let's Fly Away!"

Here is the beautiful card that Eileen

created for this challenge!

This is such a beautiful card, Eileen!  I love this beautiful
Fairy image!  The gorgeous blue and pretty embossing
creates a gorgeous evening fairy!
The hint of purple makes the perfect finishing touches.
I love the embossing and glitter butterflies!

For lots of inspiration, sit down with a cup of tea
or coffee and visit Eileen's lovely blog!
Your sure to be in for a treat!


We have a special gift voucher to
Noor! Design UK
for one very lucky winner!


Eileen will be choosing the
Top 5 Winners
for this fun challenge!

And now, with lots of fabulous creations
to inspire you for our
 "Let's Fly Away!" challenge

I'm so very proud to present
the very talented and creative

Fussy and Fancy Girls!


 We hope you can pop by the girls blogs
to read about their lovely creations.
They would love a visit from you!


You can also enter our challenges via email

We have an email entry blog set up where
your cards are placed, entered into the
challenge via the linking tool and 
commented on by our design team.


You have until midnight on 8th September (GMT) to enter

We look forward to seeing your
"Let's Fly Away!" creations!

**Happy Crafting**


Dawn Frost said...

Gorgeous creations ladies, Sasha I LOVE that box!

Karen said...

Spectacular work by the talented DT! Thank you for the inspiration and beautiful challenge. :o)

Hugs and blessings,

KandA said...

Wonderful inspiration from you all xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great inspiration from the Design Team. Happy crafting, Angela x

Karen P said...

Thanks for another fun challenge and you lot rock! Awesome DT inspirations as always on this challenge Karen x