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Friday, August 19, 2016

Fussy and Fancy Winners for Challenge #169 - A Walk in the Garden!

Happy Friday
Fussy and Fancy followers!
Thank you to everyone
that entered our
  "A Walk in the Garden" Challenge
Hosted by our very talented


We have lots of


to announce!

We have a special gift voucher to
Noor! Design UK
for one very lucky winner!

the winner is

Congratulations Lisa!
What a lovely garden scene!
Please contact Sheryl at
to collect your prize!

and now for our next
Featured Guest Designer!

#28 Helen

Congratulations Helen!
This is such a cheerful Birthday card
I love the garden setting!
Please contact Sheryl at
for your Featured Guest Designer details!


And now for Diane's Top 5 picks!

#5 Coops

#21 RoRa

#53. SewPaperPaint

#63 Cards Made by Beckie

Beautiful cards ladies! 
Congratulations to you all!
Please remember to pick up your
Top 5 blinky from the sidebar!

Our current challenge is

and our talented Hostess is
Her challenge will run until midnight on August 25th (GMT)
We hope that you can join us!!

xx Happy Crafting xx


coops said...

Wow, thanks so much for picking my card in your top 5 :D and huge congrats to all the other lucky winners too :D

xx coops xx

Tone K. said...

Congrats everybody!! Your work i stunning :D

Aurelia Aurora said...

Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of the top 5.. congrats to other ladies.. <3 xx ~RoRa

Helen said...

Oh wow...thanks for picking me as the next guest designer what a lovely surprise!
Will email you now.
Helen x

SewPaperPaint said...

I am so happy to see my plaque among the top 5. Thanks so much and I really enjoyed this challenge. <3 Autumn

LeslieT said...

Hi there - Just wondering if any other players in your challenges are able to actually collect their prizes. I won Challenge #166 back in July and emailed Sheryl on July 8th, again on July 22nd, and a third time on August 1st. No response. Very, very disappointing. :(